Friday, August 20, 2010

Would you suggest a teenager write a teenage book or a children's book?

Should teens write about what they know and are currently living through or should they write about children's issues that they have lived through and experienced?Would you suggest a teenager write a teenage book or a children's book?
Ahem. Authors don't always write about what they know or have experienced. That's where research comes in. Authors do a lot of research on things they don't know about and they also might interview a few professionals in the field to get an idea of what it's like, and that's how they base the information for their book - on research. I read one author's website where she mentioned how she has interviewed many professionals for her fiction novels and even shadowed and attorney for a short while. That's how they make things beleivable and give facts on things they don't personally know about.

it's completely up to you on what you want to write. teens know other teens very well, and Young Adult is hot right now, but that doesn't mean it won't have died down by the time you finish your book and get it published. Go by what you want to write about. 99.9% of young adult is written by old adults, not young teens. in fact, most books published are written by older adults. Older being maybe 30+, which isn't too old.Would you suggest a teenager write a teenage book or a children's book?
I think either one can work.

Children's is probably the safer route, because everything is clearer in retrospection

However, teenage books written by a teenager have a more readable quality to them, in my opinion, than when written by an adult. The characters seem more true-to-life, and less stereotypical. The only problem would be if you have trouble looking at the story from a mature point of view. It may be hard for your characters to learn, grow, and change if that is what you are doing as a teenager yourself.
well you can write either. it all depends on what kind of story you want to write. make sure it is appropriate for the certain ages. also it depends who you want your audience to mostly be, do you like kids, or would you want teens.

who do you want to mostly respond to your book.
As a fellow writer I can tell you that the old expression 'Write what you know' holds true. If you have a better grasp on your adolesence, then write a YA book. If you understand more about your childhood, then go with children's. It's all about you and what you get the best.
Books that teaches/gives little kids tips and values that needs to be carried with. Or if you are between the age of 15-18, a book for 11s or 12s will be good. The book can be about the change that is going to happen to them, how life as a high school student will be like.
I think that age is a state of mind... why can't you write both? Write a childrens' book and some YA books AND even branch out into some ';real'; (grown-up) fiction...

Vareity is the spice of life (isn't that how the saying goes?)
Write about what you are interested in. That may then define the age of characters and hence the nature of the book. Start from your ideas rather than a defined fiction type and see where they take you.
Throw it all into one book.

The begining be about, childhood.

and the rest be about what they have went through, what they are going through now.

Put both into one.

two for one deal:D
I think you should try different points of view when starting any book. Be creative and don't be afraid to take risks...that's what writers do.

Good luck, friend!
depend on ability and comfort with the genre.

You probablly know as mluch about childhood as you do about being a teenager.
Yea they can see problems through the eyes of a tenneager and write about their feelings! Adults don't know what it is like to be a teenager right now!
Yes this is a really good thing to do. Several of really good authors like Judy Blume for example have made books about their lives.
pre-teen book.
Write both. Maybe childrens first, then teen.
i would say a teen should write about a teen book

since it is some thing they are currantly goin thro
a teen should write about teens bc they can relate too wat they r writing bout

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