Friday, August 20, 2010

What is a good book for a teenage girl?

I'm 15 years old and I need a new book. I don't like anything like Harry Potter or science fiction. Any suggestions? :)What is a good book for a teenage girl?
The Bible.What is a good book for a teenage girl?
My friend cannot put down Twilight
ok you should read:

the clique books by lisi harrison,

the sisterhood of the traveling pants by Anne Brashares,

the A-List books by Zoey Dean,

The Gossip girl books,

The It-Girl Books,

The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot,

The Mediator Series by meg cabot,

the All American Girl Series by Meg Cabot,

Avalon High by Meg Cabot,

Teen Idol By Meg Cabot,

and i think thats it for my list of good reads! And you can't decide that you don't like these books five pages into one of them, trust me, the books get better as you get farther into them!
the clique

the sisterhood of the traveling pants

gossip girl (pretty explicit, lol!)

the princess diaries


you could try classics like pride and prejudice

and jane eyre

and books written by jane austen
My favorite was always ';The Outsiders'; by S.E. Hinton.
I think one of my favorite books when I was 13-15 was ';Forever'; by Judy Blume. It is such a great love story and I loved that it was a more adult read from Judy Blume.
Well, books like Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul are great books with stories that can really teach you something about living as a teen. It really depends on your tastes, though. If you like those books that have all of those dramatic teen face-offs with break-ups and stuff like that, then I don't know. If you like informational books, read anything about someone or something that you're interested in and want to learn about. If you like mystery, I have no idea. You can pretty much read anything...just know what genre you like, and go to your library for a while and just look through books of that genre until you find one that you like. Then if you like that book, you can read more by that author.
Well, I read a lot of classics in high school, so here you go:

Catcher in the Rye

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

The Odyssey


To Kill a Mockingbird

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Tom Sawyer

Huck Finn


Some of these are a little more adult than others, but they're all good; I think I'd start with A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I know you said you don't like HP, but you might like Lord of the Rings better, so you could give it a try.
well if you like romance novels and a bit of sci-fi try reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It's soo good. It's about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. I couldn't stop reading once I started.
Yes. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. One of my all time favourite books. I first read it at around your age.
Born Confused by Tanuja Desai Hidier is great I just read it and it is great. Also, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a great classic. When I was fifteen I loved Mario Puzo books, like the Godfather and the Sicilian. I think it's great that you care about reading. It is so important. Have fun and enjoy.
You should start off reading twilight by Stephenie Meyer and the second book New Moon. The third one comes out in August. It's a really great book about a girl, Bella who meets this boy who is a vampire. You will totally fall in love with the vampire Edward! He is so magnificent that you couldn't even dream of what he looks like. His name is Edward Cullen and his family are all vampires too. Enjoy!
The clique series:

1. The clique

2. ITs not easy being me

3. Dial L for Loser

They have seven but i cant think of them all

they are written by: Lisi Harrison
';She's Come Undone.';
chicken soup for the teenage soul?

i dont like harry potter stuff either
ask alice
its called '; something girl'; by Beth Goobie its my favorite book its about a 15 year old girl who's father beats her and called her nothing girl then one day he beat her so bad she had to go to the hospital and her best friend told them what happen ...maybe you should the rest yourself and i didn't give you all the details just parts
Classics: Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice

Contemporary fiction:The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series , Elsewhere or The Lovely Bones
Uhm. Well Wicked is a really good book if you like stuff like what happened before the Wizard of Oz and what happened to everyone like the good witch and wicked witch of the West.

Well you might have to ask your parents first it has stuff about nasty sex scenes.

you could also try Behind the looking glass which has to do about Snow white.
Do you like drama? I enjoyed Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews when I was your age.
-- i think that the best book that you can get is those kind of book that talk about a group of friends and how they deal with their problems as tennagers and how they hook up--break up--cheat on each other and all that stuff--- sorry, i dont know any names of any books.
My daughter likes the American Girl books. She's a little younger than you, but give them a try.
Every Young Womans Battle. It is by Shannon Ethride and Stephen Arterburn. Find it in any book or entertainment store. I bought it for my 14 year old siter and she loved it.
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series. It's not sci-fi, more like alterative history. At least that's what I read when I was your age.

F.Y.I: The first book is called guilty pleasures, and the author's name is Laurell K Hamliton. Or and there's like fifteen books in the series and counting.
books by Meg Cabot and Anne Brashares

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