Please help me, I am nearly out of my mind with my teenage daughter. She drinks, smokes, swears at me and everyone else. I have tried everything to get on with her but nothing works. I live in Grimsby N E Lincs. Please advise from someone.Help with an uncontrolable 15 year old teenage daughter?
Tough love and tight reigns. You need to show her who's boss. If you don't, try to imagine what her adult life might be like, considering her current lack of discipline.Help with an uncontrolable 15 year old teenage daughter?
If grounding does not help, ask at your dr's, they may be able to put you in touch with someone,
You should take her on a field trip to the local jail and then take her to your local morgue and inform her that if she continues going down the path she's on, she will end up in one of the two places.
hey i know this one my daughter was the same shes 18 now and calmed a lot they do realise in the end it wont always be like it my daughter use to have me in tears
Give her a slap round the face next time she swears at you or gives you any gobb in general. Take all her stuff from bedroom like tv, CD player etc and ground her for a month!! and stick to
Is she the boss or are you? Grow a pair and MAKE her stay home, if that means dragging her *** in by the hair then do so. You are responsible for her actions and well being. Call the cops, some kids need tough love. You being a pushover is just hurting her, not you.
As dad myself of a daughter around her age I don' condone all the people who say slap her spank her, that's not going to achieve anything apart from maybe driving her away.
U should spend some quality time with her just u %26amp; her on something u both enjoy doing, where u can be urselfs %26amp; just talk about things don't shout at her talk to her as u would a friend, there maybe something going on her life that has up set her that she finding hard, to coupe with %26amp; she is just reacting against it to u as she has know other output or place to let of steam.
don't give her poket money, lock ur alcohol away %26amp; hide ur cigearets if u smoke with out the means to get hold of these so easily she will cut down on there usage, the swearing just ignoure it don't make a big deal about it %26amp; it should slowly stop.
She could be doing this all to just get ur atention, as any attention is good %26amp; doesn't care if its u telling her of or otherwise as I seaid before I think the best thing to do is spend more time with her as her friend %26amp; mum.
Hope this really helps out %26amp; thing change for the better.
boot camp....
How does she get the money to buy all that stuff? Cut her funds off!!! Don't bu y her new clothes, if she has a cell phone turn it off..(it'll hurt her more then you) . There is obviously something wrong take her to counseling. Don't let her hang around with her friends which is probably the main reason she's acting up. Call the cops on her if she leaves the house...
If I were you, I would send her to boot camp before you end up a grandmother and having to pick her up from jail.
Shes 15, you have more control, show her you are the smarter one and send her to boot camp, help her while she is young, because if not, shes going to end up like all those other girls with 10 children and no stable home..
Try and find out why she is acting out. Talk to her like she is a person not a child. Set rules and if she does not follow strip her of all her posessions.
Do it like they do it on Jeremy Kyle! Send her to boot camp! Either that or slap her into next week! lol
i am a fifteen year old daughter and i do all of the above things, i AM out of control.... but im NOT proud
right now she is desperately trying to break free and push the boundries and trust me a ';good long talk'; will not work... my mother trys that with me and it totally DOESNT WORK!! i just get irritated with her...
but i do promise you that she will get through this stage, but you cant just treat her as ';a problem';
email me, seriously we can talk maybe we can help each other... i can help you i promise, because i can relate
Is there some reason for her behavior? Is she bullied or has she had a traumatic experience at some point in her life?
If she has an issue with the past, try to help her resolve it.
Think about the things she would HATE for you to take away. I know that it is probably hard for you because you love her, but you HAVE TO BE STRICT with a case like this. Take away everything until she starts acting like she should. (Cell phone, computer, car, money, television, etc.) She has to know that she does not control you!
If it gets to a point of danger, which it sounds very close, I would suggest seeking counseling for both you and your daughter.
I'm 17 years old and I see girls like this at school all the time. They're lacking respect for their parents and themselves.
I hope this helps, good luck! : )
I would suggest keeping her in (with no boose or cigarettes in the house). I would ignore her swearing and talk nicely back to her. Try really talking to her see if there is an underlying problem. This is probably just her way of getting your attention. Let her know she's got your full undivided attention whenever she wants it (within reason). Tell her when she starts to act in a more sensible and responsible way then you will let her go out again and live a more normal life. I hope this works for you.
Whoop her azzz
The solution isn't controlling her, it's giving her the possibilities she wants, what will she complain about now? You sure want the good for her but she doesn't understand that, so she tries to tell you she wants independence or something. Obviously, that's not necessary... sometimes people need to talk. Try to give her all the sane freedom you can, and talk to her; see what makes her do what she does. Probably there is a problem that frames all this behavior and you don't realize it.
Remember what it was like when you were 15 and cut here some slack. She is now too old to be re-trained by you and you will only push her away by trying to stop her being a rebel. Try to be more of a friend and guide over the next few years instead of dominating her. Go out with her and her friends and join in to a certain degree with the swearing etc and it wont be long before you are seen as a cool mom and be the envy of her friends. Gain her trust and treat her as an adult. Let her live her life and i am sure in time you will become friends.
Lock her in her room. That's what i would do with my daughter if she did that.
I found money was the only thing my 15 year old respected
Small rewards for good behaviour small fines for bad. I would withhold her possessions for really bad behaviour( clothes, Phone etc.) And never showing that you are upset never fight fire with fire and never ever back down because that's what she wants and expects. It is very important to pick your battles
you can't pick on all the things you don't like about her as she won't get a clear message and just assume you don't love or even like her. With my daughter I wasn't too upset by drinking or swearing but i was desperate for her to attend school regularly ( the school were very helpful) and be in at night when I said so. By telling her that these two things were my boundaries and ignoring everything else she slowly got the message. I started giving her pocket money every day minus the fines. She lost her phone twice but eventually she started coming round. It will not work if someone else is undermining you stand. What really helped I think was me never going back on what I said, never shouting or criticising and actually saying nice things about her. She started wanting to spend time with me. We now go shopping together every week.
if there is a male in your life let him put her in her place or just smack the **** out of her sounds like that is what she needs if that don't work put her in a boot camp and then she'll wish she was mommy's littlegirl again
I'm fifteen, and if I did that my parents would send me to a convent to live with nuns... But I think bootcamp would be a better option. Either way, she needs ';tough love'; and someone to help her get her act together.
i made alot of bad decisions at that age... you need to do whatever you can to keep her from doing things that she will regret later on. Teen girls dont give a damn about respect or anything of the sort. i think she is getting infuenced from her little friends and thos friends are going to end up getting her into some major trouble someday. i would talk to her and see whats bugging her.
I sympathise with you oh so much. I have a 15 yr old boy who lacks total respect for me, my ex husband, his teachers etc etc. All the advice of give them a slap, ground them etc just makes his anger towards me worse and sometimes violent.
There is a programme on TV tonight BBC2 at 10pm called the grumpy guide to teenagers. I shall be watching that in the hope of getting some advice.
Good luck and just try to remember you're not on your own!
i was like that when i was 15 my mam used to go mad just don't make a big deal out of what she is doing then she will calm down there is nothing worse that your mam shouting and telling you what you can and cant do use a swear box as well tell her no swearing in the house but be calm don't shout
boot camp
Sounds like she is wanting attention. Just be patient with her, dont loose your temper and try to take to her sensibly.
Hey im 15 and the reason i havent got involved in all this stuff is bcoz i would be to ashamed for my mum bcoz i love her im not saying ur daughter doesnt love you all i am saying is perhaps u can try and sit down with her and have a chat i think she would apreciate this and explain she cant go on like this . Dont be too laid back so she can walk over u but dont be too strict you want to form a close bond with ur daughter but let her know that ur the mum !
This is normal teen behaviour unfortunatly. Try and eliminate any resons why shes do uncontrolable. Possible bullying or stress.Just talk to her or seek counciling. xx
Ground her from every single thing for 1 full month, and stick to it! After school, she comes home and watches the grass grow! If she gets out/sneaks out, find her, embarrass the he e l l out of her and drag her home!
If all else fails chuck her out...tough love and standing on your own two feet can work wonders.
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