is it 13, when you are going through a transition from being an immature child to a mature young adult? or is it when you are in your late teens, and noone has anymore sympathy for you because, by now, you should know what you are doing?
for me, it has been going from 12 to 13 years old. I just turned 13 in April, and i am still very flustered by this whole teenager thing. it just came to me so fast and i want to go back to the way things were before.What is the hardest age in all of the teenage years?
Just don't try to think of being a teenager as any different to any other age. If you don't think of it as different, then you won't notice things so much.What is the hardest age in all of the teenage years?
Good luck, Ur fun life starts now, it will be fun, but it will be hard to, because everybody will think u already an adult.
Wish u luck! and be smart about everything.
most important don't try to grow up to fast, enjoy Ur teen life for little bit...............OK?
I think it's your last teenage(nineTEEN) that's the hardest as your leaving a very happy time in your life time.Entering teenage should have been'll understand soon.
i think 14-15 cause thats how old i am and its really tough for me..everyone is changing so much and its just high school drama and girls are acting fake and guys a immature jerks and it really sucks ):
12-18, I think..I'm 13 but 12 people think ure so big and crap and old enough to work more but after the age 16 ure parents wont leave u alone until ure 21
14 because you are feeling rebelious at that age
13 cuz there's just a whole lot of drama
16 b/c your ready to be free but your parents just won't let you go.
i think as soon as they go to highschool!
Mine is the age I am @ now. I'm almost 18, live with my Boyfriend in a little 2 bedroom apartment. The day before I turn 18 I am expecting my daughter. My mom and I don't get along that well and haven't for years.
At my age everyone expects you to be so prepared for what life will drop on you but you're not prepared at all no matter how hard you try to pretend you are.
hardest thing to me was losing the love of my life at 17. was my first real love too.
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