Friday, August 20, 2010

Any teenage moms have there vavy but ever think about abortion or adoption?

I am 17 and pregnant and just found out, I'm more towards keeping the baby but my options are all still on the table.

But my boyfriend wants to abort the baby, his mom was a teenage mom, and I told him to ask her why she didn't choose abortion?

So I just wanted to ask any other teenage moms,

Why didn't you choose abortion or adoption, what made you want to keep your bundle of joy?

Thank you.Any teenage moms have there vavy but ever think about abortion or adoption?
well how I see it and please don't take it the wrong way if you think your responsible to have sex then your responsible for the consequences. I do NOT believe in abortion. Why kill a innocent person because of your mistakes? I got pregnant at 16 with my First my family wanted me to get in abortion, but I told them no I told them what I just typed. Well of course I kept him and now he is 3, And when I see his face I cant imagine how people can actually go through abortions. But at the same time its your body and your decision. But for me if I didn't want to keep the baby I would give him/her up for adoption because their are people who do want children that cant have them. You should do some research on abortions and see what they actually do. But like I said its your body and no one can make the decision but you. congrats and good luckAny teenage moms have there vavy but ever think about abortion or adoption?
I got pregnant with my daughter when I was 17. I had an appointment to get an abortion, but 1 hour before I was suppose to be there I called and canceled. It just didn't feel like the right thing to do. Adoption was not an option for me, though I think its an awesome thing to do. I have to admit, having my daughter while still in school was very difficult but I had a lot of support from my parents, family and very close friends. Being a young mom is nothing like you think it's going to be you just have to set a goal and what the steps you are going to take to achieve that goal before the baby is born. You have to plan on doing it alone because the chances of you and your boyfriend staying together is slim to none. Though it was a tough road, I am very happy that I choose to keep my daughter. She is now 12 years old and she was the only grandchild my mother got to meet before she passed away 8 years ago.
I got pregnant with my first son when I was 17, he's now 15. I was always against abortion and knew it wasn't the right choice for me. When I told my son's dad I was pregnant, he told me that if I didn't have an abortion, he didn't want anything to do with me. I was really lucky though, even though he didn't want to be a good dad, his parents really helped me out a lot. They're still a huge part of my son's life.

I had another child when I was 22, and then another when I was 26. My youngest is 6 1/2 now. Even though I've been a single mom almost that whole time, never once have I thought I should have had an abortion. It has been difficult at times, but I'm so glad and fortunate that I was blessed to have them as a part of my life.
I fell pregnant at 17 like you, and like you obviously abortion and adoption came up.

I chose to keep my baby girl, because i thought with my heart and not my head. Basically i loved her, doesn't matter if your 16 or 36 you still have the same feelings toward your child.. I don't regret the decision at all, i cant imagine my life with out her..

I do wish someone had warned me how hard it was going to be though, having a newborn and never had to budget before was a shock to the system, never mind the rest of it Lol

Good Luck :)
I was 16 when I got pregnant and turned 17 just before I had my son. It was really scary..I actually made an appointment to get an abortion but I never showed up. When you come to the realization that you really are pregnant and the pros and cons of each decision..having the baby is the easiest and best decision. I am sooo happy that I had my son. I wouldnt change it for anything. You just have to figure out whats right in your heart and mind. Good luck :-]
When I fell pregnant at 17, I did consider all of these options. In the end, I choose to keep my baby. Why? Because after I saw her moving on the ultrasound, with my mom next to me saying ';We can do this,'; I knew in that moment that I could do it and I had all the support in the world.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
i was 16 when i found out i was pregnant. the father and i didnt get along well and i am now a single mother of a very handsome 1 year old. being a teen mom is not easy. but when you see that baby, it'll all be so worth it. kick abortion out of the choices. if anything, place the baby for adoption. one of the greatest things in this world is the joy and the feeling you get from bringing life into this world. give the baby life, give it more. if you dont feel that you can financially or emotionally take care of a child you should deffinately look into adoption.

i kept my son because i knew that is what i was supposed to do with my life. i couldnt imagine it any other way. i knew there was no way i would abort. and i did look into adoption. i saw an adoption coulselor for about 5 months. we explored all of my options and went through the positives and negitives.

my son is now my everything. he has changed me so much, and i have learned the true meaning of love.

if you need any help or more advice e-mail me..
im 19 and 38 weeks pregnant I thought of abortion at first..but couldn't do it. Abortion is bad. I think you should keep your baby..the tiny life inside of you. i can feel my son kicking me now and it still kills me that I almost threw his life away just because I was young.
I was 16 when i feel pregnant with my first, I didn't chose to abort it cause it was a planed pregnancy!! Once he was born, I new i made the right choice to keep him! He just made my life so much happier!
because abortion is murder and i couldnt see giving up my daughter for anything.

im due in a month and cant wait for my little girl to get here.
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