Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best MOBILE PHONE for TEENAGE Girl?

Question for TEEN GIRLS: Please give me your opinion on what would be the COOLEST mobile phone that I could possibly get my 15 yr old daugther for a gift. Please be specific and, VERY IMPORTANT - Please tell me WHY you think it would be best. Thanks What is the best MOBILE PHONE for TEENAGE Girl?
i-phoneWhat is the best MOBILE PHONE for TEENAGE Girl?
Not a teen girl, but I'll answer anyway. The iphone would indeed be the ';coolest'; phone you could buy, but only if price is no object. If you are working on a budget, then it is probably a bit too much. The phone itself is about $400 with a contract. However, the phone has many features that makes it well worth the price. It is basically an ipod (music player if you aren't familiar) with a pda (calendar, email, messaging, notes, voice memo) and a camera all in one package. You can also download games and movies with enough memory. GPS navigation... I'm sorry, just go here and take a look.

I hope that helped.
depends on price I'm a teen boy in my high school allot of girls have blackberry' s but it is expensive depends on the network also the LG dare is also popular not as much though I'm am 15
I'm 14 and I have a razor but I would much rather have an I phone. So get her the I phone it's really expensive but it's worth it.

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