Thursday, July 29, 2010

Teenage Guys and Girls: What would you want on a website?

Hey I was just wondering if you should cover some topics that you would like to see on a website, since I am thinking about making one.

Best answer goes to most ideas.

Thanks!Teenage Guys and Girls: What would you want on a website?
I like socializing and cool stuff.. So...

1)Chat Room

2)Popular-Music Page

3)';Shout-Out'; Box

4)Cool colors


How do you make such things by the way? Im thinking about making one too..but how? Please email me as soon as it's set up: wjddlwp52@naver.comTeenage Guys and Girls: What would you want on a website?
my opinion i like lots of good games and videos fro youtube and stuff like that


p.s tell me what the website is my email is

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