Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Where, how or who should you blame the high-rise of teenage pregnancy?

Is it the parents, the teachers, the system or the teenager herself who are highly sexually active these generation and not enough sexual education....Please give me a straight forward answer, I need to know.Where, how or who should you blame the high-rise of teenage pregnancy?
I think it's a mixture of all of those. There definitely isn't enough Sex education in schools, and the classes aren't being taught by the right people and there not saying the right things. %26amp; then there are the girls who just think having a baby will be so much fun, and guarantee the dad to be with him forever.... It's the generation, I don't know what it's going to be like thirty years from now... Are they ages just going to drop lower and lower? It seems like kids are learning things now at such a younger age, and it's only going to get worse due to all the teenage pregnancies and the way these young girls the ones that aren't prepared plan on raising there babies. I'm scared to see what the future looks like.Where, how or who should you blame the high-rise of teenage pregnancy?
i think tht itz the girl who got pregnant fault. Unless she was forced 2 thn i would say it was the boys fault. And teacher and parents will keep tryin to educate their daughters into wearing protection and stuff like tht. But ultimately it is up 2 the teenage girl herself.

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