Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How do I clean my room? Its as bad as a teenage boy's!! Whats the best way to get it clean and organized?

Take some gas and a match to it, then rise, like a phoenix from the ashes, free of all that clutter. Just hope the insurance pays...

No, seriously. The main problem tends to be that we get the feeling ';Oh, but I have to keep this, because so and so gave it to me, or I bought it on such and such a day when this and that happened. It's a cherished tresure, and I can't bear to part with it.';

Or ';Oh, but I should keep that, because I might use it for such and such some day.';

Or ';Oh, I could sell that for a lot of money...';

Get real. If it were cherished, you'd have a special shrine set up just for it, and you'd dust it every day, If you were going to use it, you'd have used it already, and if you could really sell it, then you would have sold it.

Put yourself in a bad mood a day or so before trash time, get a big box, or a bucket, and start grabbing things. Can you really sell it? Where, huh? Nowhere! Are you really going to use it? No, because you already never use it. Is it of any sentimental value? Oh, really? is that why you have it lying under a pile on the floor? I see, you cared about it so much that you'd been worried sick about finding it for ten years, and it's taken you that long to turn the room upside down to find it.

OK, can't sell it, don't use it, didn't care enough to find it before, so into the trash it goes. Don't be gentle. Don't worry about giving it away to save the starving test subject monkeys in afghanistan. Save yourself from all this crud. Save yourself from tripping on old shoes when you go to the bathroom at night. Save yourself some floor space to pace on. Save yourself some desk space to write on.

Be brutal, dump that crap like an ex-lover that lies and steals. Into the box, then into the trash can, then kick the crud to the curb.

WOO HOO! Look at all that free space you've got now! Hey, you can pace, you can write letters, you can find something to wear. Look, theres' even a radio over there in the corner!

You deserve to celebrate, so take a nice relaxing shower, go on out to watch some movies, eat out at a nice restaurant, and have a few drinks with your homies if that's how you get your groove on.

Don't come back until the trash truck has hauled it away... otherwise you might remeber how much you loved that stupid ratty stuffed kitten that's at the bottom of the trash can.

Having trouble getting motivated, go on out and rent the movie ';Labrynth,'; and watch the part with the bag lady a couple times.How do I clean my room? Its as bad as a teenage boy's!! Whats the best way to get it clean and organized?
Get rid of any stuff you don't really want or need. Clutter has always been a probem for me.How do I clean my room? Its as bad as a teenage boy's!! Whats the best way to get it clean and organized?
throw or give away the tings u dun want and if you want to enjoy it well treat it as a form of exercise and be proud of yur new cleaner enviroment.if this can't motivate you to clean well i will say there re bedbugs and roaches in yur room....i clean my room if i got freaked out by roaches and they could end up sleeping with u so clean it is better for a girl to be clean.i suggest u put them in plastic boxes as it wont take up space and a way to put yur precious junk and reduce the use of plastic bags by the way plastic bags is a cosy place for roaches
Literaly take everything out. Clean the floors and walls and everything. Put only what you need back cleaning it as you go.
Make your bed as best as possible then grab all your dirty laundry and take it downstairs. Now start in one corner and pick up everything and put it on your bed. Now put it all away where it belongs. Now here's some CLEAN clothes you need to hang up and put away where it belongs.... Thought I was talking to my kids for a minute. =)
i dont know but if you want a boyfriend dont let it get that dirty//guys will look at that and run

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