Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Has there ever been a point in your life as a teenage that you felt totally bored?

My sisters 16 and she always mentions how disappointed she is because she expected highschool to be the best four years of her life and it turned out not to be. In myexperiencee high school was fun, so i don't really understand her point of view. She alsomentionedd how shes having a hard time findingsomeonee she likes(guy). She soo pretty so i don'tunderstandd whysomeonee wouldn't like her. Maybe it's because of her negativity.. How can i help her out?Has there ever been a point in your life as a teenage that you felt totally bored?
When I'm bored I play a computer game, read a book or magazine, do crossword puzzles or sudoku, listen to music, watch a movie, write in a journal or answer questions here on yahoo answers. Writing in a journal is an interesting thing to do, especially when you go back weeks or months or years later and read what you wrote. If she finds herself bored often she might consider volunteering. It will give her a new focus in her life, and it is a good feeling to help someone less fortunate. It can be a life changing experience.Has there ever been a point in your life as a teenage that you felt totally bored?
Yeah so pretty much everyone thinks like this. I'm 16 I think like that. lol. I'm just one of the few that kinda steps back and thinks about it. I think... That was a lot of thinking =P And anyway as for boys she can have whoever she wants if she is as pretty as you say just not in the way she wants. There's like 3 guys at every high school that don't want sex primarily =P
Only boring people get bored. If your creative and fun youll find something, and make it a game.
Well it can only be the best four years of your life if you let it be. It's not all going to be fun and games because, well - it's school. When you're 16 you are most likely a junior and school can really be stressful then with the college application process, getting prepared for college, and just realizing that you only have a good one or two years left at home until going out on your own. (of course that's easier for some than others). Maybe her negativity is from stress from one of those sources.

Sure the activities and just the actualization you're almost an adult, and being a teenager itself is just exciting. If she likes a guy, though, any at all tell her to take a risk and go for it. Sure, it may not happen but there is still a good chance it might. There's a lot of learning experiences that high school has to offer and one of them is taking the things you have there for granted, don't let her be one to regret not doing what she really wanted by staying in the background and not having the most fun she possibly could.

High school is definitely a great experience and your final years of spending time with those who you've practically grown up with so let her know that know that she's in her upperclassman years time is almost up so you can either keep looking down upon it, or just make the best of it.

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